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Alcoai Technology Ltd. About us

About Alcoai

Alcoai Technology started business journey in 2020 with a team of talented professionals and it is officially formed in 2023; as a Private Limited Company, Alcoai Technology Ltd. registered by “Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms (RJSC)”, Government of Bangladesh. It has become a remarkable Tech Giants and engineering solution provider with the key resources of highly experts, engineers and experienced professionals.

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Better IT Solutions And Services At Your Fingertips


Board Of Directors

Alcoai Technology Ltd Chairman MRK Picture

Moshiur Rahman Khan


Alcoai Technology Ltd Managing Director MAH Picture

Md. A. H.

Managing Director

Alcoai Technology Ltd Director SHF Picture

Md. S. H. Firoz


Alcoai Technology Ltd Director Rejohn Picture

Md. A. R. Rejohn


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